In 2019, on the Day of Hungarian Culture, the world's largest touchscreen LCD wall was inaugurated to help visitors explore the collection of the renewed Museum of Fine Arts. The 15-metre-long touchscreen wall, which features 21 LCD displays and spectacular animations, contains data on almost 300 works of art, providing state-of-the-art technology to explore the almost 300 outstanding works of art, Egyptian and ancient works, paintings, prints and sculptures in the museum's permanent collection. NEW EDGE Ltd. was responsible for the design, production and on-site implementation of this project.
A NEW EDGE Kft. feladata ebben a projektben a gyártmánytervezés, a gyártás és a kivitelezés volt.
type: unique interactive installation
location: museum of fine arts, Budapest
date: 2018-2019
partner: BIM Solutions
task: production design, production, execution and installation on site