"Budapest. The first golden age. Stereoscopes and Postcard Photographs from the Collection of Fortepan and Deutsche Fotothek (1903-1912)" temporary exhibition - Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
On the occasion of Budapest's 150th birthday, the Hungarian National Gallery presented a special exhibition of more than 100 photographs. For the first time, the public was able to see photographs of Budapest taken between 1903 and 1912 by the German postcard company, showing emblematic buildings and small street stories of everyday life in the city. NEW EDGE Ltd. was responsible for the complete realisation of the exhibition.
type: temporary exhibition installation
location: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest
date: 2023
partner: Szépművészeti Múzeum
task: production design, production, execution and installation on site
Fotók: ©Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest / © Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest